Best house track of 2012, hands down. If you didn’t know, now you know!

Caution! Online networks bring cheating to your house.

The reality of modern relationships is: your girlfriend is more worried about who writes to you on a Facebook than where you have spent those couple of hours after the gym. It really is like that. Most of my relationships were broken due to non-stop accusations of “cheating” via social networks or tensions caused by the issue. I call it “Social networks paranoia”. Let’s break it down.

Social networks bring the whole world to your fingertips; there is no question about that. It brings more then that – an ultimate version of you, who is always looking perfect and talks smart. The reason is – people see the photo, which you have picked from a hundred of other photos so that it really shows your strengths in some kind of way – style, interests, body, whatever. People read what you say – since you have a few seconds to think before you write, you will always sound smoother than in real life. So here it is – the perfect you 24/7. That makes building relationships easy – first of all, you are still more distanced from a person than in a real-life situation. In case of your first impression failure you can always say “I was bored; it is just a Facebook anyway” and move on – no hard feelings. Secondly, as we have said before, it is much easier to create an illusion of you being all-that. Thirdly, and maybe that should be a number one really – everyone is here. There is no more need to ask people whether they know “that girl” and then try to find out her mobile number somehow. A few clicks and you can give it a go. Life’s just got easier, right? Not.

The problems start when you finally end up with a loved one. She knows the script. She knows exactly how you have found her and how easy it is to find someone else there. Even if you don’t give your girl any reasons to be suspicious, she is going to be that somewhere between the lines. If not directly accusing you of cheating than at least nervousness and destructive actions caused by social networking tension is what you are going to get. And with all the stories that float around about cheating cases that have started via social networks, you just can’t win.

So here it is – a major problem of today’s relationships. Of course, if you was lucky enough to find a soul mate then you both are going to laugh about it all. Surely if you are a bit older and grown up you will find some words to speak about it all and get rid of the problem. But if you are 16-24 years old living in 2012, prepare yourself to a bumpy road to happiness. Me? I don’t have Facebook anymore. Capisce?


Sounds like a track of the week to me. The best cure against October’s melancholy is here! And by the way, my followers are the best from all the followers all over the globe. 😀 Let’s keep it going!


I’ve decided to start sharing music with you people. The series of such video/audio material sharing is going to be called “SHAREATRACK” and there is only one connection between the tracks– they were all chosen by me.

Well let’s keep it moving then! I guess there’s no better start than Phaeleh – Lament Unofficial video. Don’t forget to “Watch in HD” guys! Enjoy.

A Dancer’s Demons

Hey guys! I came across a really interesting article in the recent publication of the “Intelligent life” magazine. It is about a dancer from Ukraine and his autobiographical story that is written in a very entertaining and smart way. Really, really fascinating stuff! I could not resist sharing it with you people! Please do comment on it if you feel like doing so because I am really interested in your opinions about this man’s life and especially the decisions he has made throughout the career. You can access the article at 

Digital Identity

It is a nice Sunday evening and I am finally about to write my first post. Digital Identity. Well, my romance with social networks and all kinds of chats has started in the late 90’s and the history covers everything from the unknown in UK and to the most recent Facebook and Twitter. But I have to admit that the most innovative and interesting in terms of creating one’s digital identity was mIRC. Do you guys even remember it? For those of you who don’t, I will give you a little info. It just feels wrong not to. It was (and still is actually) the first internet chat that I have engaged myself with back in early 2000’s. It was a little software to download and after choosing a port and a nickname you were set to go. The whole chat space was divided by “channels” (open or closed) and there was a list of nicknames (users) on each of them. These nicknames were made up from whatever and there was no need to write your real name. The only rule – no space in between the characters. In order to chat with somebody, you had to double-click at the name and off you go. That was it. Does not sound exciting to you? Heh.
There was a system of statuses in mIRC. On each channel, nicknames with “@” in front of them had power to ban, grant access or change channel’s topic. People with “+” were having a “voice right” on the channel – they had more weight on it than other users but less than “@” guys. Everyone was there. It was literally a parallel dimension with its own cities, governments etc. Some of these “cities” were actually named by the real city names, for example a channel with a name of “Manchester” could have had around 400 people 24/7. Others were smaller groups divided by the interests in music, fashion, movies etc. The smallest category was private channels, where pro or semi-pro teams of games such as CS or Quake were gathering together to talk about tactics, championships etc. Normally these ones were protected with passwords. But let’s leave channels aside and talk about nicknames. Believe me, they were telling as much about person’s identity as most of these modern social networks without even sharing a picture. It might sound funny now, but after spending some time at mIRC you could have told about person’s character a lot just by seeing the way he or she wrote their nickname, leave alone the meaning of it. Let’s say somebody who was called “_F^ly_BOY” was perceived totally different from a person called “flyboi”. Also, each of the nicknames had a list of channels where they could have been found at. Let’s say “_F^ly_BOY” was on #Manchester, #Warehouseproject, #Spliff, #JJBSports, #Football, #Booze etc – and you know a lot about him already. Does it reminds you of any other social networks? Oh and by the way they started to use hash tags in the late 80’s. If nickname and channel list was not enough, there was so-called “Leaving message” – a little text of 140 symbols that a person would leave in brackets when quitting mIRC. Let’s say “_F^ly_BOY”‘s would have “WOOOT LOL!!!!!” and you knew exactly what’s going on.
So yeah, that was it. The most interesting page of my digital identity’s book was mIRC. First girflriend(s), first channel meeting and a lot of other “first” things. I think mIRC was ahead of its time and many modern social networks have done their homework in incorporating best ideas from it in their projects. If you have had any experience with mIRC, comment and I’d be happy to reminisce about it a bit more. 😀 That’s it for now people! I’m going to celebrate my first post now by posting a sweet house track for you all. Be good.